Page 81 - The Gonzaga Record 1985
P. 81
machine was now gathering momentum. our 'home' matches. Then, in the August of
While giving away roughly half a stone in 1963 two hard courts were laid in Gonzaga
nearly every position, Gonzaga hounded by En-Tout-Cas Agents in Ireland ofGra-
and harried Templeogue for most of the Green specification, costing about £800
match. A huge effort at goal by Ramsay each. A third hard court was added in
fought its way over the cross-bar midway November 1971. All three courts were
through the second half. Jubilant Gonzaga eventually resurfaced in the Autumn of
supporters were given only minutes to 1981, again an En-Tout-Cas (Play Deck)
rejoice. A fine lob into the corner brought specification the work being done by
Templeogue a soul-destroying score. It Swords McAdam Co. Ltd at a cost of just
inspired Templeogue to a mighty effort, under £11 ,000, a year later (August 1981 )
which resulted in another fine try. The final the surfaces were painted green and red.
whistle soon followed. It had been a brave Since 1964 Gonzaga's tally in cups and
run for the cup by the Juniors, with many medals in the Leinster Schools
very good performances. Competitions is as follows:
6 Senior Cups (as well as four finals )
Peter Fahy.
7 Junior Cups (as well as ten finals)
TENNIS 7 Minor Cups (as well as two finals : this
competition only began in 1972).
1 Second Division Junior Cup in 1978 .
There was little indication of Gonzaga's All this added up to 21 cups, 126 winner's
future success in tennis when the one and medals and 105 runners-up medals in
only grass court, laboriously cultivated twenty years.
from an area south east of the Community A good measure of Gonzaga's success is
House, disappeared beneath the first big due to the contribution of certain 'tenni s'
building scheme - the Hall and Tower. In families, such as the Ensors (David,
the Spring of 1958 four very inferior grass Anthony, Roderick and Simon); the
courts were made ready at the rear of the Sheehans (Garrett, James; Ronan; Jerry
Community House: this involved the and Maurice); the Blakes (Richard, Michael
removal of some smaller trees and some and Gavin); and the McDonoghs (Jimmy
shrubs. On them was played the first Past v and Gordon). Over the years there have
Present tennis match. Representing the Past
were: J. Liston, D. Carton, D. Buckley, K. also been many gifted individuals, the more
W alsh, and L. Little. The Present team were distinguished of whom include Paul
Coulson, Hugh T inney, C o nor
made up of B. Davy, A. Clare, M. Hunt, M. McCullough, Michael Carney, and Stephen
O'Brien, and B. Kirby.
In 1961, for the first time, Gonzaga Doherty.
Irish Title holders in the Nestle's
entered teams for the Leinster Inter-Schools Tournament include Stephen Doherty
Cup competition at both Senior and Junior (1981); Michael Carney (1 98 2); and Hugh
level; this was under the managership of Fr Tinney (1976) who went on to be
Kevin Laheen SJ. The teams gave a good International Winner of this competition at
account of themselves, but for a few years the Queen's Club, London.
won no cups nor medals. With the
departure of Fr Laheen from Gonzaga in Edmund Keane SJ
1962, Fr E. Keane SJ took over the
direction of the tennis and for the next
twenty years helped to build up a CHESS
remarkable tradition of interest in and
success at the game. Records of chess in the school pri or to the
For the first few years of cup competition late 1970s are hard to come by, and very
our own courts were so unsuitable that we sketchy, although it would appear that the
had to use the (grass) courts of St. Mary's class of '76 entered a team in the Leinster
L.T.C. at Belmont Villas , Doruiybrook for Schools' League in the Fifth year. This

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