Page 14 - The Gonzaga Record 1987
P. 14
Promotion of Service to the Broader Community

Gonzaga has joined the Irish Federation of Jesuit Alumni. The IFJA was
formally inaugurated at a meeting which took place in Clongowes Wood
College, on 6th April, 1987. Its establishment followed discussions which
had taken place within a number of its Past Pupils Associations of Jesuit
schools in Ireland over the past few months, and it was specifically set
up to achieve the following four objectives:
(a) to co-ordinate the work of the Irish Jesuit Unions, and to provide a
link between the Unions and the European Federation, the World
Federation and the Jesuit mission to past pupils which is located in
(b) to focus the attention of the Unions on the increasing importance of
their active involvement in the affairs of the Jesuit colleges. With the
decline in Jesuit numbers, discussions are currently under way to decide
how Jesuit involvement in the Irish colleges can be most fruitfully and
beneficially maintained in the future. It is important that the Unions
should be aware of this debate, and the IFJA has been established to
prompt the Unions into thinking about how they can be of more
immediate assistance to the colleges in the future;
(c) to facilitate the spiritual formation of Jesuit past pupils. At the second
World Congre ss of Jesuit Alumni held in Versailles in July 1986, the
spiritual formation of Jesuit past pupils was identified as the priority for
the future work of the Unions and the Suciety. The new Federation will
have consideration to this issue;
(d) to prompt the Unions into some form of social action to achieve
justice and peace in Irish society. The World Congress has asked all our
Unions around the World to consider what action they can take to
alleviate the plight of refugees in their countries. This work is intended
to give a common theme to social activity by the Unions over the next
few years. The new Federation will be looking for ways in which the
member Unions can work for the care of refugees in Ireland.

At the meeting in Clongowes during April, 1987, the Federation was
formally established and enacted a Constitution to regulate its affairs. It
is intended that it should remain a small and non-bureaucratic body, with
minimum financial and administrative overhead. The following have
been elected officers for 1987 / 88:
President: Paul Kerrigan (Mungret),
2 Charleston Road,
Dublin 6.
979091 (Office) 800466 (Home)
Secretary: Michael Byrne (Clongowes),
82 Tritonville Road,
Dublin 4.
606700 (Office) 686416 (Home)

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