Page 8 - Gonzaga in the 1970s
P. 8
A picture of the same class in Fifth Year, with Mr
Ray Kearns, is rather more conventional:-

In a 1973 letter to parents, Fr Delaney reflects on the
boys’ ‘cleanliness and neatness’ and wonders whether
‘some parents have even seen their sons before they
leave for school’. Not long afterwards, the school
began to enforce (or re-enforce?) a dress code; but for
the moment parents were ‘earnestly asked to ensure
that boys pay attention to [such] matters’, particularly
‘in the matter of hairstyle’. It is no coincidence, of
course, that the style of dress among the cohort of
young lay staff who joined the school at this time was
increasingly casual. A minority wore gowns (even
among the Jesuits); the majority of men favoured
beards and roll-neck sweaters.

By the mid-ˋseventies, a stricter discipline
was in place:-

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