Page 5 - Gonzaga in the 1970s
P. 5
Fr Paul Andrews SJ (seated between Fr Eddie Keane and
Fr Bill White) , Prefect of Studies 1967-1971. This
photo of the senior school is probably taken in 1969-
One can chart the changes referred to above
in a valuable collection of letters to parents written
by the two headmasters who immediately succeeded
Fr Andrews.

These letters do not relate the full story, but
they reflect a changing Gonzaga and the concerns of
the time. Not least among these concerns was the
financial one. From a base of twelve guineas a term in
1950, school fees for a single son had risen to £120
annually in 1973, rising to £220 in 1977/78, by which
time the new classroom block was completed and in
use, made possible by a highly successful fund-raising
drive. By 1981/82 the annual fee was £432

4 The archive is grateful to Charley O’Brien (Class of
1982) for the gift of these and other documents

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