Page 18 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 18
after the magic date has passed the paratively recently that we have
process will continue and as such it developed an industrial tradition. The
will have a persisting impact on our sense of separateness engendered by
lives and upon the education of the this peripherality is emphasised by the
young. In basic terms, the promise of fact that we are an island people - a
1992 is to create a free movement of fact which inhibits our capacity to
persons, goods, capital and services relate to other cultures to the same
throughout the European Communi- degree as some other small nations of
ties. This objective required, at the Europe, such as the Benelux States
outset in 1985, the adoption of 279 whose very proximity to others brings
different pieces of legislation. The about a familiarity which in the posi-
impact of this legislation if adopted in tive context of today's Europe has
accordance with the plan will be very bred a capacity to relate both linguis-
considerable. tically and otherwise which we in
To take some examples, those who Ireland are far from emulating.
have a banking licence in any EC state One area which is being correctly
will be free to provide services across cited as constituting a serious defici-
borders without the necessity to set up ency in Ireland in educational terms is
branches in other countries. This, that of languages. Our record in
taken in conjunction with the advances Ireland appears peculiarly bad. 200Jo
in our capacity to transmit informa- of students do not take a modern Euro-
tion, will have an enormous impact on pean language in the junior cycle of
a whole range of activities. So also will post primary school and more than one
the implications for the insurance in three do not take a continental Euro-
industry and other aspects of financial pean language at senior cycle level.
services. In the area of capital, the Whilst there have been recent positive
removal of exchange controls will facili- developments, the history of teaching
tate a process which is already taking languages in Ireland has been based
place in cross-border investment. more on the teaching of grammar than
The free movement of persons - the teaching of communications skills.
which is already largely a reality - The results of a Eurobarometer Survey
will facilitate the seeking of employ- recently indicated that 80% of the
ment in countries other than one's Irish people were unable to follow a
own. Plainly the removal of frontiers conversation in a foreign language.
in terms of the sale of goods will have This suggests that 20% would have
an impact in developing trading links been so able. If anything, this may
within the Community. All of these have been generous.
events taken together, and whatever In any event, the figures compare
the ultimate extent of their fulfilment, very badly with 60% who can follow
will impact upon the lives of the a foreign language in Denmark and
generation now on the verge of adult- 72% in Netherlands. (The fact that
hood and it is crucially important that 99% can follow a foreign language in
our educational system should prop- Luxembourg can hardly be referred to
erly equip them for the new world as a reasonable example!) Addition-
before us. ally, junior cycle students who study
It has to be recognised that Ireland continental languages are allocated
is on the periphery of Europe. It is four class periods of 40 minutes each
peripheral geographically, it is peri- per week which compares with 5
pheral historically (because, of the hours per week for a continental
former bi-polar relationship with the European student who also devotes a
United Kingdom) and it is peripheral greater number of class contact weeks
economically because it is only corn- per annum to school studies and who

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